Letter of Support to Stephen Owen

Sustainability has no political colour. As Minister of Canada’s Public Works & Government Services, and former Secretary of State (Western Diversification), Stephen Owen, a Liberal Party Candidate, has shown an strong commitment to advance sustainability in the Federal Government. The attached letter of support from prominent Canadians leaders details Stephen’s accomplishments. It is quite enlightening. We should allow Stephen Owen (and by the same token David Anderson) to continue the great job they are doing by supporting the Kyoto Protocol, greening government services and developing the conditions for a sustainable Canada. Note: The above represents the personal view of the “Sustainability Now” editor not those of APEGBC or its membership. It is not a call for voting for any particular party, but a plead for considering the impact on the advance (or regress) of sustainability that your vote might have.
from: Stephen Owendocument: Letter Support to Stephen Owenin detailsee also: Public Works and Government Services Implement Sustainability XlnkS694 XlnkC190F