In Depth Analysis of the Cost of LEED Buildings

Kema Green Building Consulting of California recently worked on a report for the State of California on how to manage the cost of green buildings. They looked at 4 building types: libraries, schools, laboratories, and multi-family affordable housing. The report also shows average costs for obtaining LEED in all commercial building types. The findings were: Certified: 0 – 2.5% Silver: 0 – 3.3% Gold: 0.3 – 5.0% Platinum: 4.5 – 8.5% The report was done in parallel to the Greg Kats study released last year as well (Kats study available on the USGBC website). The report was highlighted at last year’s GreenBuild, and a brief was included in EBN’s “Best of” publication. The full report is available as a pdf file by following the link below to the Kema Green Website.
weblink: Report on the Cost of LEEDfrom: Kema Greenin detail XlnkS673 XlnkC18FE

Oil and Gas in British Columbia 10 Steps to Responsible Development

In April 2004 West Coast Environmental Law coordinated the release of a report on the booming oil and gas sector in British Columbia. The report examines ways to ehance sustainable development of BC’s Oil and Gas reserves. Follow the link below to view it.
weblink: Oil and Gas in British Columbiafrom: West Coast Environmental Lawin detail XlnkS672 XlnkC18FD

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New GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard

The new GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard has just been released by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI). The first edition of this standard on compiling credible corporate GHG inventories was published in 2001. The protocol has already informed or been adopted by numerous climate initiatives, including reduction programs, trading schemes, environmental standards, industry associations, and voluntary registries such as the recently launched World Economic Forum Global GHG Register and the California Climate Action Registry. Many companies worldwide have come to rely on it as they develop reports on their GHG emissions. To view the Standard, follow the link below.
weblink: GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (2004)in detail XlnkS665

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Climate Change Impacts of Water in Georgia Basin/Puget Sound

This paper by Paul H. Whitfield, David Fraser and Stewart Cohen published in a special issue of the Canadian Water Resources provides an overview of the March 3-April 3, 2003 Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Co-hosted by Environment Canada Pacific and Yukon Region, and the Puget Sound Action Team, the 2003 Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Research Conference was the sixth in a series of conferences representing the largest and most visible efforts to communicate research results among the region’s scientists and natural resource managers. The conference provided a venue for the expression of the ecosystem-based management approach and provided an opportunity for cross-border scientists and decision-makers from a wide range of disciplines to share knowledge and information on important issues such as climate change impacts and adaptation, marine resources, transboundary air quality, indicator development and collaborative management approaches. The conference program included over fifty technical sessions, panel discussions, workshops, poster presentations and keynote speakers. Attendees included an international and multidisciplinary group of more than 800 university and government scientists, Coast Salish First Nations and Tribal representatives, regional politicians, students and community leaders. Click on the link below to read to paper.
weblink: Climate Change Impacts of Water in Georgia Basin/Puget Soundfrom: C-CIARNin detail XlnkS655 XlnkC1867

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Greater Vancouver Regional District Sustainability Report

The Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) is a federation of 21 member municipalities and one Elctoral Area that make up the metropolitan region of Greater Vancouver. The population of the GVRD is approximately 2 million people. The GVRD began its Sustainable Region Initiative in 2001, and has recently released its first ever sustainability report. Click on the link below to view it.
weblink: GVRD Sustainability Reportfrom: GVRDin detail XlnkS64F XlnkC179D

Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration in BC – The Economic Case

The moratoria on offshore oil and gas exploration have been in place in BC for several decades. It is now a very real possibility that these moratoria will be completely lifted, opening the door for exploration. The environmental and resource title issues surrounding lifting the moratoria are fairly well known. The promise of economic gain in the form of jobs and government royalties is weighed against those issues. Click on the link below to view an in depth report on the economic case for offshore oil and gas exploration in BC. Click on the link to the Report on Canadian Energy Production for an overview of energy production, including the offshore development on Canada’s east coast.
weblink: Offshore Oil and Gas Reportfrom: Offshore Oil and Gasin detail XlnkS64E XlnkC18F1

Sustainability Primer

The Sustainability Primer aims to be a practice specific tool for applying sustainability principles to engineering and geoscience. Through case studies and analysis of best practices, the primer seeks to demonstrate sustainability in action. See Series Primer below to view or download the practice specific modules.
weblink: APEGBC Primer Sustainability Web Sitein detailsee also: Primer Part 1: Introduction XlnkS64B

Effect of Climate Change on Canadian Water Resources

A new ( 2003) report from Statistic Canada outlines growing signs of water scarcity even in a country as rich in water resources as Canada. Some of the findings:

  • Main glaciers at their lower level since 10,000 years
  • 1300 Canadian Glacier have lost between 25% and 75% of their masss since 1950
  • 505 of Canada renewable fresh water flows into the Artic Ocean and Hudson bay
  • 42% of industrial waste water was untreated in 1996
  • a drop of oil wil make 25 litres of water unfit for drinking
  • The level of the St-Lawrence river at Montreal has fallen by more than a metre in the past century

from: Statistic Canadain detail XlnkS632 XlnkC18D9