Derek Spratt, P.Eng, presentation to the Nov. 21, 2002 Vancouver Branch Meeting of APEGBC. Derek is the Founder and Chief Strategist for Intrinsyc. In his presentation, he describes the local climate for innovation within Canada and BC, and draws the link between engineering, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Of relevance to issues of sustainability are the skills Mr.Spratt describes as being essential to the evolution of the profession: the willingness to take risks, be adaptable, promote our value to society, and extend our skill sets and interests into non-technical areas.
weblink: company website from: Intrinsyc document: Being a P.Eng in the Tech Sector in detail XlnkS4F0 XlnkC1857
Tag Archives: Presentation
Management Systems and Reporting by Lauren Walker
Lauren Walker’s (MA, Senior Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers) presentation to the APEGBC Annual Conference: “Creating a Sustainable Future for BC: Management Systems and Reporting”. The presentation outlines two primary tools for managing the sustainability challenge: Sustainability Management Systems (SMS) and Sustainability Reporting. ISO 14001 is becoming the standard for SMS, and this presentation details what is required to implement such a system. It also defines Sustainability Reports and their benefits, such as increasing accountability to stakeholders and enhancing transparency and access to information. For more information, Lauren Walker can be contacted at
weblink: company website from: PWC – PriceWaterHouseCoopers document: Management Systems and Reporting by Lauren Walker in detail XlnkS4F2 XlnkC17FC
Innovative Stormwater Management Practices…Part 2a
Presentation to the 2002 AGM by Kim A. Stephens (M.Eng., P.Eng, CH2M Hill) and Dipak Basu (P.Eng, City of Chilliwack). Describes an integrated approach to urban watershed management and land development that enables local government to identify and mitigate the cumulative impacts of past and future urbanization on watershed health. Part 2a describes the City of Chilliwack’s stormwater management objectives and presents Case Studies #1 and #2. For more information, Mr. Basu can be contacted at
from: City of Chilliwack document: Innovative Stormwater Management…Part 2a in detail XlnkS4E5 XlnkC184F
Innovative Stormwater Management Practices…Part 2b
Presentation to the 2002 AGM by Kim A. Stephens (M.Eng, P.Eng, CH2m Hill) and Dipak Basu (P.Eng, City of Chilliwack). Describes an integrated approach to urban watershed management and land development that enables local government to identify and mitigate the cumulative impacts of past and future urbanization on watershed health. Part 2b concludes Mr. Basu’s portion of the presentation with Case Studies #3-#6. For more information, Mr. Basu can be contacted at
from: City of Chilliwack document: Innovative Stormwater Management Part 2b in detail XlnkS4E6 XlnkC184F
Innovative Stormwater Management Practices: …Part 1
Presentation to the 2002 AGM by Kim Stephens (M.Eng, P.Eng, CH2M Hill) and Dipak Basu (P.Eng, City of Chilliwack). Describes an integrated approach to urban watershed management and land development that enables local government to identify and mitigate the cumulative effects of past and future urbanization on watershed health. Part 1 gives an overview and introduces the Water Balance Methodology, a decision support/scenario modelling tool. For further infomation, Mr. Stephens can be contacted at
from: City of Chilliwack document: Innovative Stormwater Management Practices Part 1 in detail XlnkS4E2 XlnkC184F
Seven Questions to Sustainability: Assessing the Contribution of Mining and Mineral Activities
Presentation to the 2002 AGM by Tony Hodge. The Seven Questions arose from work with the mining and minerals industries. They provide a framework for assessing the sustainability of a project and can be applied to any project, industry, or activity. The consideration of these questions can also be used to develop a company’s goal statement.
from: Anthony Hodge Consultants Inc. document: Seven Questions to Sustainability in detail XlnkS4DE XlnkC184C
Towards Change: Trends in Sustainability for the Mining Industry
Tony Hodge’s presentation to the 2002 AGM PD Seminar gives a brief history of the mining industry and the significant changes that both the industry and the global economy have undergone since the 1970’s. He offers insight into the nature of change, resistance to change, and drivers of change and describes how mining came to embrace sustainability before many other industries.
from: IISD – International Institute for Sustainable Development document: Towards Change: Trends in Sustainability in detail XlnkS4DF XlnkC17DF
Sustainability and Vancouver’s Bid for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games- Presentation to AGM 2002
Ken Baker, the Executive Director of Environment and Sustainability for the Vancouver 2010 Bid Corporation, gave this presentation at APEGBC’s 2002 AGM luncheon. It highlights the sustainability focus of the bid and gives some background on the Bid’s development to date.
from: Vancouver 2010 Bid Corporation document: Ken Baker Olympic Bid in detail XlnkS4E0 XlnkC1847
Presentation to APEGBC 2002 Conference: From Jo’Burg to Kyoto
Presentation by Michel de Spot to the APEGBC 2002 conference in Vitoria, B.C. Topics presented: – the WSSD in Jo’burg, – the business response, – the Consulting Engineering Industry position with respect to Agenda 21. – The climate change scientific basis – Kyoto
document: AGM2002 MdS Presentation in detail XlnkS4DD
Dimensions of Sustainabilty
A Symposium organized by Professor Andrew Scott. A number of interesting abstracts and reports on buildings and sustainability.
weblink: in detail XlnkS486