According to an International study done by the University of Leeds, global warming could wipe out a quarter of all species of plants and animals on Earth by 2050 in one of the biggest mass extinctions since the dinosaurs. The United Nations said the report highlighting threats to creatures ranging from Australian butterflies to Spanish eagles, showed a need for the world to back the Kyoto Protocol, meant to brake rising temperatures linked to human pollution. “A quarter of all species of plants and land animals, or more than a million in all, could be driven to extinction, said Chris Thomas, professor of Conservation Biology at England’s University of Leeds. Prof. Thomas, lead author of the study published in the science journal Nature, said the emissions from cars and factories could push temperatures by the end of the century up to levels not seen for one million to 30 million years. The survey, the largest of its kind to date, studied global warming links to 1,103 species of plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and insects in South Africa, Brazil, Europe, Australia, Mexico ‘and Costa Rica and extrapolated findings as far as 2050. It did not examine the oceans. “Climate change is the biggest new extinction threat, co-author Lee Hannah said at Conservation International in Washington. Many species would simply be unable to adapt or migrate to new habitats. The researchers concede there are many uncertainties in both climate forecasts and the computer models they used to forecast future extinctions. But they said their dire conclusions may well come to pass if industrial nations do not curtail emissions of greenhouse gases.
in detail XlnkS647
Tag Archives: Memo
Iraq marshland
In an area north of the city of Al-Basrah, Iraq, a former wetland has been drained and walled off by the Saddam Hussein regime in an attempt to subdue rebellious marshland arabs. This satellite picture shows a devastated area littered with minefields and gun emplacements of what used to be a rich wetland ecosystem.
in detail XlnkS63A
Northern Kazakhstan. Image taken 4/14/2002 by Landsat 7 Mimicking a cubist collage, linear windbreaks of densely planted trees surround farmsteads in this winter landscape near the city of Komsomolets in Northern Kazakhstan. See “Our Earth as Art” for additional pictures
in detail see also: Our Earth as Art XlnkS63B
Our Earth as Art
The Earth as Art Gallery shows our planet through the beautiful images taken by the Landsat-7 satellite – and most recently, the Terra Satellite’s Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). This gallery of images uses the visceral avenue of art to convey the thrilling perspective of the Earth that satellites provide to the viewer.
weblink: Earth as Art WeSite from: Landsat in detail XlnkS635 XlnkC18DA
Statistic Canada
One of the best ( and most accurate) source of data on every aspect of the Canadian society economy and environment.
weblink: Statscan Web Site from: Statistic Canada in detail XlnkS631 XlnkC18D9
Effect of Climate Change on Canadian Water Resources
A new ( 2003) report from Statistic Canada outlines growing signs of water scarcity even in a country as rich in water resources as Canada. Some of the findings:
- Main glaciers at their lower level since 10,000 years
- 1300 Canadian Glacier have lost between 25% and 75% of their masss since 1950
- 505 of Canada renewable fresh water flows into the Artic Ocean and Hudson bay
- 42% of industrial waste water was untreated in 1996
- a drop of oil wil make 25 litres of water unfit for drinking
- The level of the St-Lawrence river at Montreal has fallen by more than a metre in the past century
from: Statistic Canada in detail XlnkS632 XlnkC18D9
Impact of Climate Change on Canadian Weather
A report from environment Canada inventories the extreme events and bizarre weather occuring in Canada as a result of climate change. The report concludes: “Although Canadians are good at coping with punishing weather they may be no match for what nature will throw at us”
weblink: Environment Canada Web site from: Environment Canada in detail XlnkS633 XlnkC18D5
Urban Growth
In 2015, according to UN data, there will be 36 megacities with than 8 million people. 2 will be in Africa, 1 in the middle-east, 22 in Asia, 6 in Latin-America and 2 in North-America.
in detail XlnkS62D
World Atlas of Sustainable Development
a reading of the world, providing statistical data,- socio-economic, geopolitic and environmental. 30 graphical pages show trends of human progress, risks and environment, economy and interdependency, etc,…
in detail XlnkS629
Stupid White Men
Michael Moore’s critic of today’s USA is refreshing and very entertaining. Remember when everything was looking up? Then the government was running at a surplus, pollution was disappearing, peace was breaking out in the Middle East and Northern Ireland, and the Bridge to the Twenty-first Century was strung with highspeed Internet Cable. Well, so much for the future. Michael Moore the award-winning provocateur size up the new century and that big ugly special-interest group thats laying the waste to the world as we know it: Stupid White Men. In his book, Michael Moore will use well-documented facts and data to explain why: – The election of the current US president was in fact a coup. – You should never take a plane in the US – It is still bad to be black – US is an uneducated (and therefore idiot) nation – Everyone is the greatest threat to the environment – The end of men is near – America is one big happy prison
from: Michael Moore in detail XlnkS607 XlnkC18CB