Declaration of Interdependence for a Sustainable Future

The World Congress of Architects adopted the “Decaration of Interdependence for a Sustainable Future” in June, 1993. “In recognition that : – A sustainable society restores, preserves, and enhances nature and culture for the benefit of all life, present and future; a diverse and healthy environment is intrinsically valuable and essential to a healthy society; today’s society is seriously degrading the environment and is not sustainable; – We are ecologically interdependent with the whole natural environment; we are socially, culturally, and economically interdependent with all of humanity; sustainability, in the context of this interdependence, requires partnership, equity, and balance among all parties; – Buildings and the built environment play a major role in the human impact on the natural environment and on the quality of life; sustainable design integrates consideration of resource and energy efficiency, healthy buildings and materials, ecologically and socially sensitive land-use, and an aesthetic sensitivity that inspires, affirms, and ennobles; sustainable design can significantly reduce adverse human impacts on the natural environment while simultaneously improving quality of life and economic well being; We commit ourselves, as members of the world’s architectural and building-design professions, individually and through our professional organisations, to: – Place environmental and social sustainability at the core of our practices and professional responsibilities – Develop and continually improve practices, procedures, products, curricula, services, and standards that will enable the implementation of sustainable design – Educate our fellow professionals, the building industry, clients, students, and the general public about the critical importance and substantial opportunities of sustainable design – Establish policies, regulations, and practices in government and business that ensure sustainable design becomes normal practice – Bring all existing and future elements of the built environment – in their design, production, use, and eventual reuse – up to sustainable design standards.” The link below contains the full text of this declaration along with Guidelines for Further Development of the Declaration.
weblink: declaration and guidelinesfrom: Architectural Institute of BCin detail XlnkS582 XlnkC189B

Me, Myself and Infrastructure: US National Building Museum Exhibition

This exhibition poses some interesting questions about the way we construct and relate to the built environment. Exerpt from exhibition: “Me, Myself and Infrastructure explores the relationship of the public to its civil engineers. Civil engineers are the experts who design and manage infrastructure-the technological networks that define modern life. The behavior and values of individuals shape infrastructure: the location of a pedestrian crosswalk, the taste of drinking water, the durability of a bridge. At the same time, infrastructure shapes everyone’s lives-the ability to drive anywhere at any time, take half-hour showers, and discard computers after a couple years of use. Me, Myself and Infrastructure looks at public expectations and the everyday experience of infrastructure while considering the role of civil engineers as designers, builders, and managers. Urban and suburban infrastructure is the major cultural and technological achievement of the last 150 years. This web of civil engineering works is the foundation of everything public and private. That’s why an examination of your relationship to infrastructure reveals how you want to live. It exposes the intensity of your concern for the environment and public health. It demonstrates what you know about the history and future of everything around you. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Me, Myself and Infrastructure explores the construction of public works and private lives.” Follow the link below to read more.
weblink: exhibit websitefrom: National Building Museumin detail XlnkS537 XlnkC1876


Building assessment tools are used to evaluate the environmental performance of buildings. LEEDTM, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is one example of an increasingly popular building assessment tool developed by the US Green Building Council A BC version of LEEDTM is currently being developed and a draft copy is available at the greenbuildingbc web site
weblink: USGBC web sitefrom: APEGBC – Association of Professional Engineers of BCin detail XlnkS4A3 XlnkC1778

Alcan Corporate Sustainability Report

Alcan’s First Corporate Sustainability Report titled “Alcan’s Journey Towards Sustainability” offers testimony to Alcan’s determination to understand and integrate sustainability into their business culture and processes. It provides a ‘snapshot’ of where they are in their sustainability journey, highlighting accomplishments done to date as well as the many challenges that remain to overcome.
weblink: ALCANin detail XlnkS4A0 XlnkC182A

Our Common Future

Also known as “the Bruntland report, this report published in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development, warned that if pollution control was not intensified, human health, property, and ecosystems would be seriously treatened, and urban existence would become intolerable. “Industry and industrial operations should be encouraged that are more effiient in terms of resource use, that generate less pollution and waste, that are based on the use of renewable rather than non-renewable resources, and that minimize irreversible adverse impacts on human health and the environment”
weblink: UNED web sitefrom: UNED – United natio Environment and Developmentin detail XlnkS49F XlnkC1829

NAVFAC- Design of Sustainable Infrastructure Policy

The NAVFAC- design and construction department of the US Navy – has a policy for the design of sustainable infrastructure. This represents both an example of good corporate policy and reasons why engineers and architects should consider acquiring knowledge about sustainability.
from: NAVFAC – US Navydocument: NAVFAC – policyin detail XlnkS47A XlnkC1811