Standfort Encyclopedia Philosophy was designed from its inception (September 1995) as a dynamic reference work. In a dynamic reference work, each entry is maintained and kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. It is a work in progress but worth while a visit.
weblink: Standford Philosophy site from: Stanford University in detail see also: Philosophy XlnkS533 XlnkC1873
Tag Archives: Article
Sustainable Development Index
In 1997, fund manager Sustainable Investment Group Ltd. developed a method to quantify corporate sustainable development performance utilizing a Sustainable Development Index (SDIä). The SDI was used to create a portfolio of sustainable development companies and subsequently track share price appreciation. Here is how it works. This article by Ted Lederer,P.Eng., was published in the summer 1999 issue of “Innovation”.
from: Dow Jones document: SD & Shareholder Value in detail XlnkS524 XlnkC186A
A theoretical, non-scientific- practice, a rational inquiry about the universe leading towards wisdom, virtue and happiness. Philosophy is about thinking better to live better. It is about four questions: What can I know? What must I do? What may I hope? What is mankind? The first three questions refer to the fourth and all four to a fifth question: How to live? Philosophy deals with the most fundamental concepts, theories and presuppositions present in every disciplines and everyday life. As such, philosophy is at the core of sustainability question.
in detail XlnkS51E
Sustainability Now Vol 2 No 1: 2002 APEGBC AGM and Conference
Sustainability Now is the newsletter of the Sustainability initiative of APEGBC. The theme for this issue is the 2002 APEGBC Annual AGM and Conference, “Creating a Sustainable Future for BC”. Topics include: 1. AGM Round-up 2. Interview with Linda Thorstad, P.Geo 3. Technical Brief: Sustainable Communications Cabling Systems 4. APEGBC Sustainability Activities 5. Resources and Events Follow the link below to view or download the Newsletter.
from: APEGBC – Association of Professional Engineers of BC document: Sustainability Now Vol 2 No 1 in detail XlnkS501 XlnkC1778
The Way Ahead
BBC Everyone seems to agree that sustainable development is a good thing. But views differ over what it actually is – and consequently, how we should achieve it. BBC brings five thinkers and five point of views: Ernst Weizseacker -Wuppertal Institute Germany Vandana Shiva – Physicist – India Bjorn Lomborg – the Skeptical Environmentalist Julian Morris – International Policy Network – IPN Satish Kumar – Schumacher College (Small is beautiful)
weblink: from: BBC – England in detail XlnkS4E7 XlnkC1830
Dancing With The Tiger
Learning sustainability steps by steps. THE PRESSING NEED for innovation and change to generate greater sustainability in our corporations and institutions is now incontestable. Yet transformation at both the organizational and planetary levels is a dance that is often fraught with danger for both the change agents themselves and their organizations. It is like dancing with a tiger – with the outcome frequently uncertain. For corporations, communities, and other organizations, the choreography of the dance toward sustainability has been systematized in The Natural Step framework, which provides the science, analysis, methodologies, and tools to use in the quest for sustainability. Dancing with the Tiger presents the compelling stories of individuals and teams in some of the world’s most progressive organizations as they pioneer anew paradigm of sustainable business practices and corporate responsibility.
from: Natural Step in detail XlnkS4DC XlnkC17AE
Kyoto: the Canadian public is not duped
The Vancouver of November 2, 2002 produces a series of letter from readers reacting to the one-sided view from Kyoto opponents that signing Kyoto would be detrimental to the Canadian economy. Also, two/third of Canadians do not trust the oil industry to bring a solution to climate change.
in detail XlnkS4DB
WSSD Outcome: Final Implementation Plan
The results of the World Summit on Sustainable Development – Johannesburg Sep. 10. 2002.
from: UNEP _ United nation Environment Program document: WSSD Implementation Plan in detail XlnkS4C7 XlnkC180C
World Summit on the Information Society
Access to information, and thereby to the creation of knowledge, is considered a critical factor in the sustainable development process. On the one hand, this requires an adequate range of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) networks and services. On the other hand, it implies the ability to use those tools to develop applications that benefit society (learning by doing). But both the tools and the ability to use them are unevenly distributed. Despite considerable progress in recent years, access to ICTs, notably the telephone, mobile phone, Internet and broadcast networks, remains unequally distributed. There are, for example, more televisions in Brazil; more fixed line telephones in Italy; more mobile phones in Korea; and greater Internet connectivity in Luxembourg; than in the whole continent of Africa. Yet the population of Africa, and the needs of its people, greatly exceeds those of these other countries. In recent years, these disparities have come to be known as the “digital divideâ€.
weblink: from: International Communication Union in detail XlnkS4C8 XlnkC183F
Renewable Energy World
Renewable Energy World is a magazine publisher quarterly. A comprehensive and authoritative source on renewable energy technology and services. Copies of the magazine are circulated free to qualifies professionals or otherwise available on subscription. A must read to anyone professionally involved in renewable energy.
weblink: from: James & James in detail XlnkS4AF XlnkC1833