Large Developments: UniverCity Development, Simon Fraser University A 160-acre neighborhood that will accommodate 10,000 residents is being built atop Burnaby Mountain. The overall guiding theme for the development is the 4 E’s: environment, education, equity and economy. The project demonstrates some interesting examples of engineers and geoscientists working to incorporate sustainability ideas into the development’s design. Southeast False Creek, City of Vancouver SEFC An 80-acre former industrial site near downtown Vancouver, the City is planning to build a complete sustainable community, one component of which will likely be the requirement that all buildings meet a minimum LEEDTM standard. The East Clayton Headwaters Project East Clayton Headwaters Project In January 1999, Surrey’s Department of Planning and Development entered into a partnership agreement with UBC’s James Taylor Chair, the Pacific Resources Centre, and a multi-constituent advisory committee involving various levels of government to create the Headwaters Project. A key component of this project is the integrated design process, which is described on the James Taylor website. Buildings: Doors to Sustainability 2001 and Sustainability 2003 Exhibitions on-line catalogue The Doors 2001 Exhibition consisted of 32 sustainability case studies from architects, professional engineers & geoscientists, landscape architects, and interior designers. The exhibition was organized by APEGBC and AIBC with help from the GVRD and Litchfield – a demolition and recycling company. A 2-page summary from each exhibitor is available on the APEGBC Sustainability website – web link above. The Sustainability 2003 Exhibit is expected to begin touring in the fall of 2003. BC Building Corporation’s Green Building Case Studies BCBC’s website contains a list of approximately 17 case studies for both new and retrofit buildings. New Buildings Retrofits Better Buildings The GVRD’s Better Buildings website also contains case studies. The Vancouver Island Technology Park vitp The first LEEDTM Version 2.0 Gold building in Canada! CK Choi Building Ck Choi Completed in 1996 and still considered to be one of the best examples of green building design in Canada and North America, the CK Choi Building at UBC is impressive in many respects. A few notable achievements: no connection to the sewer system, 100% reused brick cladding, 65% reused big timber for structural components, and 7000 gallon rain cistern for collecting rainwater. Cranberry Commons Co-housing Project article The Cranberry Commons Co-Housing development in North Burnaby incorporated several sustainable design features on a limited budget. The article linked above describes the design features of this development.
source: Primer Part 3c: Buildings See also XlnkS58F