Public Works and Government Services Implement Sustainability

OTTAWA, May, 2004 – The Honourable Stephen Owen, Minister of Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC), announced today a series of initiatives and targets to transform the department’s operations and support the government’s commitments to sustainable development. The department is implementing a number of short- and long-term initiatives to demonstrate leadership in the area of sustainable development. “The guiding principle of these initiatives is sustainability which involves far more than ecological integrity, said Minister Owen. “It means adopting a global approach that supports our common economic, environmental and social objectives and that fundamentally changes the way we do business. By taking the lead on these measures, I am confident that we can obtain for Canadians the dividends they deserve.” Public Works and Government Services Canada will provide national leadership in the greening of government operations by: – ensuring that PWGSC’s real property holdings are 40 percent more energy and greenhouse gas efficient by March 2008 than in 1990. – aiming to achieve the LEED Gold/BREEAM Four Leaves or equivalent standard for all new PWGSC buildings by 2005. – introducing “green leases” to help move towards achieving the same environmental standards as for Crown-owned facilities, particularly in large, long-term leases. – beginning with orders for 2005 model vehicles, we will be phasing in low-emission vehicles as part of the normal replacement of the government fleet. “The Government of Canada’s goal is to become a model of environmental excellence in its own operations, said Minister Owen. “PWGSC will lead by example by taking the lead on many key initiatives. We are determined to build on our leadership role within government to become a nationally and internationally recognized leader in the promotion and implementation of innovative sustainable development and environmental practices.” PWGSC is the primary provider of common services to more than 100 federal departments and agencies. The department is committed to ensuring that the principles of sustainable development are reflected in all aspects of its role as a provider of services to its colleague departments and agencies, as a custodian of real property and in its own internal operations.
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