Master’s Program in The Natural Step

Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability September 2004 Blekinge Institute of Technology Karlskrona, Sweden A challenging and rewarding program with a rigorous whole systems view and a foundation of science led by Dr. Karl-Henrik Robèrt, founder of The Natural Step and Blue Planet Prize Laureate. Other instructors include: Margot Wallström, Environmental Commissioner, European Union Manfred Max-Neef, Ph.D., Author, “From the Outside Looking In: Experiences in Barefoot Economics”. For more information visit or view the attached brochure. More detailed information can be downloaded from the program website. “Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability” The Blekinge Institute of Technology (Blekinge Tekniska Högskola), located in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Karlskrona, on the southeast coast of Sweden, offers a unique international Master’s program. Leadership towards sustainability requires learning to select and structure information so that it is relevant for long term decision-making, planning and consensus building. Therefore, the program curriculum will revolve around an intellectually strict framework that is designed for this purpose and built on a total systems perspective and scientifically relevant world-view. The framework, known as The Natural Step Framework, is an internationally recognized methodology used to guide strategy towards sustainability in a variety of rhe framework, built on a logical five-level planning hierarchy, allows a systematic approach to: analysis of current practices, envisioning of solutions, finding strategic paths to a successful outcome (i.e. sustainable society), and selecting and designing cohesive and complementary tools such as management systems, life cycle assessments, all kinds of concepts such as Factor X and Footprinting, and development of indicators for sustainable development. In addition, this program will examine all kinds of approaches and technologies that will be needed for an attractive transition towards sustainability, including public policy and business strategies for sustainable development and best practice case studies from business, government and nongovernmental organizations. For more information follow the weblink or contact the email address on the sidebar.
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