City of Vancouver National Works Yard

The new City of Vancouver National Works Yard is a 12-acre Engineering Operations Facility with a technically complex program including an Administration Centre, Garage and Radio Shop, Parking Operations Building, Warehouses, Car Wash and Fuelling Station. The project is the City of Vancouver’s pilot initiative to promote sustainable design practices. The City’s leadership and level of commitment to these sustainable principles is reflected in the design expertise employed and the application of sound environmental building practices, which culminated in the facility’s Administration and Parking Operations buildings achieving LEEDâ„¢ Gold – the first buildings in Canada to receive this level of certification from the Canada Green Building Council. The project is also a test case for various sustainable technologies and a showcase for the City’s many “green” initiatives. The Works Yard incorporates the operations of eight engineering branches, along with associated support for the facility. Approximately 400 employees will be based out of the new yard, and it will have the capacity to accommodate growth of operations over the next 10 to 20 years. Omicron provided architecture, engineering, project and construction management services to the City for this new $22 million facility which is located on National Avenue in the False Creek flats industrial zone.
from: Omicrondocument: City of Vancouver National Avenue Works Yard 04in detail XlnkS5F7 XlnkC18C8