Professional Practice and Sustainability in Building Design: Presentation by Sid Siddiqui, P.Eng, LEEDtm Accredited Professional, to the 2002 APEGBC Annual Conference. Consider that: -Climate change is happening and there is an abundance of evidence all around us -North Americans use more energy and water than any other country per person -The United States alone consumes in excess of 25 percent of world’s oil -Buildings use 40 percent of the total energy used in North America -United States, China and Russia are the three biggest producers of greenhouse gases It is difficult to imagine that significant reductions in energy use and greenhouse gases will occur by simply “tweaking” current practices. The design professionals will have to take the lead and do things differently. With the right mindset and conviction, we can design buildings that are healthier for the occupants, consume less energy, last longer and have less impact on the environment. There are many examples of “green” buildings that have been designed and built and are successfully operating throughout the world. -Sid Siddiqui, P.Eng, can be contacted for further information at
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