The primer on climate change outlines the scientific basis and the position of engineers with respect to this important and urgent issue.
document: Primer Part 4: Climate Change in detail XlnkS5D5
Monthly Archives: October 2003
Sustainability Now Vol 3 No 1: Awards
This special issue of Sustainability Now describes the APEGBC Sustainability Award recipient. The Sustainability Award was created to recognize the important contribution that engineering and geoscience make to the well being of human life and the ecosystem on which we all depend. It further seeks to recognize the positive role of human qualities such as ethics, imagination, reason and common sense in achieving this end. The 2003 award recipient is the GVRD for four municipal engineering projects under the umbrella of the “Sustainable region Initiative” (SRI)
from: GVRD document: Sustainability Now Vol 3 No 1 in detail see also: GVRD Sustainable Region Initiative XlnkS5D4 XlnkC179D
National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure (InfraGuide)
The National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure (InfraGuide) in partnership with the Canadian Public Works Association (CPWA) is conducting a survey to assess how municipalities currently receive their training and education in infrastructure areas. This information will be used to design a partnership strategy to educate practitioners on InfraGuide materials. The InfraGuide would like to reiterate its appreciation to all partners and supporters of this project. Presently the InfraGuide is still inviting municipal government staff and their elected officials from all regions of Canada to participate in the online education and training survey hosted by the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE). As the project success relies on industry cooperation and participation we also encourage you to share this survey with your network.
weblink: Infraguide from: The National Guide to Sustainable Infrastructure in detail XlnkS5D3 XlnkC18B9
Well-being and APEGBC Policy
The Sutainability committee has proposed the following statement to include in APEGBC sustainability policy: “The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. is committed to engineering practice that is specifically aimed at contributing positively and simultaneously to human and ecosystem wellbeing over the long term” This concept developed by Tony Hodge is explored in more detail in the attached PDF.
from: Anthony Hodge Consultants Inc. document: Well Being & Sustainability in detail see also: Well-Being, sustainability, and engineering XlnkS5D2 XlnkC184C
Literally, people’s power. Government by the people, exercised directly or through elected representatives. A social condition of equality and respect for the individual within the community. First emerged in Greek city states of Athena around 600 BC, then disappears from western civilization for more than thousand years. In 1100, five First Nations in northeastern America form a confederacy that historians call the longest participatory democracy in the world.
in detail XlnkS5D1
There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship. If we do not exercise our civil rights, who will? If we do not perform our civic duties, who can? The fibre of a just society in the pursuit of hapiness is a thinking, active, citizenry. That means you.– Raplh Nader
Democracy arose from men thinking that if they are equal in any respect they are equal in all respects.– Aristotle
Adaptation to climate change in forest management
A concise paper “Adaptation to climate change in forest management” by David L. Spittlehouse (B.C. Forest Service) and Robert B. Stewart (Natural Resources Canada) The forestry community needs to evaluate the long-term effects of climate change on forests and determine what can be done now and in the future to respond to this threat. The paper suggests a simple four-step management framework for adaptation in forestry that could apply to other sectors and to multidisciplinary issues in a regional context:
- Step 1: Identify the climate impact on the resource, however uncertain.
- Step 2: Assess the vulnerability to climate change of the resource, the resource communities and society.
- Step 3: Develop adaptation actions that can be taken now.
- Step 4: Develop adaptation actions that should be incorporated into planning.
The paper reviews a number of forest adaptive actions and list management questions that need to be addressed to facilitate adaptation.
weblink: Forrex web site from: Natural Resource Canada in detail XlnkS5D0 XlnkC1866
Long Range Planning
Long Range Planning claims to be an important book on important issues. We have not read it yet but its table of content deserve a more detailed look. Dematerialisation. This involves companies developing ways of substituting knowledge flows for material flows. Another route to dematerialisation is product customisation: less waste is created when the resources a consumer does not want are not produced. Production loop closure. The biological designs of nature provide a role model for sustainability. The goal is to work continuously toward closed-loop production systems and zero-waste factories wherein every output is returned to natural systems as a nutrient or becomes an input in the manufacture of another product. Service extension. We are moving from a supply-driven economy to a demand-driven economy. Companies are rethinking how they can satisfy demand and are developing customised responses to client needs. Consumers are increasingly gaining access to product services by leasing goods, particularly durable goods, rather than buying them outright. Functional extension. Companies are manufacturing ‘smarter’ products with new and enhanced functionality and are selling services to enhance the products’ functional value. See Analysis by the WBCSD.
weblink: Book description by WBCSD from: WBCSD in detail XlnkS5CC XlnkC17D2