UNEP Trends

– More than 80% of the people currently live in developing countries. – 2.4 billion of today’s 6.2 Billion people are children and teenager. – Two out five people in the world live either in China or India – World fertility rates have declined from about 4 children per woman in 1975 to less than 3 children per woman in 2000 *** UNEP statistics
source: Demography See also XlnkS4F8

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Some Powerful Trends

World energy Production rose 42% between 1980 and 2000 and will grow between 150% and 230% by 2050. Renewable energy account for only 11.5 %. The current addition of 60 Million urban citizen a year is the equivalent of adding another Paris, Beijing or Cairo every other month. 400 million persons use the internet today compared to less than 20 million five year ago. By 2005 there will be about a billion users. However, more than half the world’s population has never used a telephone and many still lack connection to the lectrical grid. In 2000, there were 119 democratic ststes out of a total of 192 countries (61% or about 2 out of 3). This compares to 22 democratic states out of 154 countries in 1950. (14% or 1 out of seven).
source: Tomorrow’s Markets – Global Trends and their Implications for Business See also XlnkS4F7

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The study of human population. The world population has been the subject of many theories, predictions, and statistics. The issue is both quantitative and qualitative. The population boom is occurring in developing countries, when population is starting to stabilize or decrease in the developed world. Bringing the third world to the same standard of living than the OECD countries would require a consumption of earth’s resource, which is simply not available. We’ll need four planets. Demography and sustainable development are two aspects of the same issue.
in detail XlnkS4F8

Tomorrow’s Markets – Global Trends and their Implications for Business

This important publication by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) seeks to identify the trends for the global business environment. It addresses such topics as: – Markets and society – Innovation: More Value, less impact – Natural Capital – the networked world – Role and responsabilities
weblink: UNEP Publicationfrom: UNEP _ United nation Environment Programin detail XlnkS4F7 XlnkC180C