
Consulting Engineers are widely employed in fisheries in British Columbia and elsewhere. This industry (like forestry) has the potential to be a model of sustainability, but instead has found itself mired in controversy. For a balanced, professional viewpoint on the challenges facing BC fisheries, click on the link below to check out BioLine, the official publication of the Professional Biologists of British Columbia.
weblink: BioLine – The Official Publication of the Association of Professional Biologists of BCfrom: Association of Professional Biologists of BCin detail XlnkS636 XlnkC18DC

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Our Earth as Art

The Earth as Art Gallery shows our planet through the beautiful images taken by the Landsat-7 satellite – and most recently, the Terra Satellite’s Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). This gallery of images uses the visceral avenue of art to convey the thrilling perspective of the Earth that satellites provide to the viewer.
weblink: Earth as Art WeSitefrom: Landsatin detail XlnkS635 XlnkC18DA

Fueling The Future

Assembled by the editing team of Andrew Heintzman and Evan Solomon, co-founders of Shift magazine, this coolly designed book reflects their respected talents: It is smart, hip and engaged. As such, this book gives readers a concise course on how the depletion of fossil fuels is about to change everyone’s future. The book is the first of a series intended to cover a wide range of topics such as water, globalization, or third world debt). Why energy? Kyoto, Middle East crisis, price of gas, health hazard of smog, North-America blackouts, there is plenty of evidence that energy is at the heart of the world’s most critical problems and concerns. Innovative solutions exist and a new generation of thinkers, inventors and engineers are already busy supplying the kind of ingenuity needed to develop and implement them. This book is a survey of these quests for solutions taking a non-critical, non-theoretical, consensus-building approach.
from: Andrew Heintzmanin detailsee also: Energy XlnkS624 XlnkC18D6

Energy firms, activists team up for green power

By MARTIN MITTELSTAEDT ENVIRONMENT REPORTER Monday, December 15, 2003 – Page A14 The Globe and Mail Two odd bedfellows, environmental groups and some of Canada’s biggest greenhouse-gas polluters, have joined forces to say the country could produce enough renewable energy to match the electricity now coming from fossil fuels and nuclear power. Optimistic forecasts about wind turbines, rooftop solar panels and even the harvesting of the power in ocean waves are expected from environmentalists, but they are more unusual coming from the likes of Suncor Energy, BP Canada, and Shell Canada, three of the country’s biggest oil companies and all among the largest greenhouse-gas emitters. But the companies, along with four major environmental groups, are releasing a jointly written report today that says the future growth of fossil fuels will be “constrained” by concerns over global warming, and predicts that energy sources ranging from the wind to landfill gases will take up the slack. “Canada’s untapped potential for producing low-impact renewable energy is immense. It has the potential of being as large as today’s thermal and nuclear generation combined, the report said. Those who wrote the report say they hope having traditional antagonists in favour of green energy will make the federal government more likely to listen to their proposal that Canada adopt targets for green electricity production. Ken Ogilvie, executive director of Pollution Probe, said the two groups make natural allies on the issue because environmentalists want reductions in pollutants, while companies can make the business case for clean, green power. The groups have formed an organization, the Clean Air Renewable Energy Coalition, to argue the case for green power. “We’re credible to articulate the environmental case. We’re not credible to articulate the business case. I know from experience that it’s much more effective to see ministers with industry, NGOs . . . together and say we’re in agreement on this and yes, it’s doable, Mr. Ogilvie said. He said companies and environmentalists “can still be at each other’s throats” on other topics, but are smart to sometimes make alliances. “Certainly I wouldn’t say we’re getting in bed” with polluters, Mr. Ogilive said, defending the approach. One of the business officials who drafted the report said oil producers and environmentalists can put aside differences to argue for a mutual goal. “The beauty of it is we all have the same vision of introducing more new renewable energy into the Canadian marketplace, said Dianne Humphries, manager of sustainable development for Suncor Energy Inc. Suncor, which produces about 8 per cent of Canada’s oil, believes that wind power is the best bet among green energy sources to be commercialized. The company currently has about 5 per cent of the country’s installed wind turbine capacity.
weblink: The Globe and Mailin detail XlnkS620

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Vancouver Landfill Gas

The City of Vancouver owns and operates the Vancouver Landfill in Delta. The Landfill received approximately 400,000 tonnes per year of municipal solid waste from approximately 950,000 people or roughly 40% of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD). This unique project allows landfill gas (LFG) collected from the Landfill to be used to generate heat and electricity.
from: City of Vancouverdocument: Vancouver Landfill Gasin detail XlnkS619 XlnkC178F

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Wood Products

Wood is the ultimate sustainable building product. Thoughtful use of this renewable resource can guarantee biodiversity, mitigation of global warming and countless other positive outcomes. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has developed an internationally recognized third party certification system. FSC certification provides a way for builders and designers to recognize sustainbly harvested and processed wood. The movement of large scale successful retailers like Home Depot and Ikea towards FSC certified wood proves that FSC makes financial as well as environmenal and social sense. As of June 2003, FSC certified wood is now available in British Columbia at Eco-Lumber Co-op in Richmond. See the link below to visit their website.
weblink: Eco-Lumber Co-opfrom: Forest Stewardship Councilin detail XlnkS613 XlnkC18D1

Vancouver Island Technology Park

Deemed a showplace for environmentally sensitive development and sustainable green buildings, the Vancouver Island Technology Park (VITP) offers universities, technology and research companies an ideal place to bridge initiatives. VITP focused on the renovation of an existing 165,000 square foot hospital building. The BC Buildings Corporation is using VITP as a case study for their work in developing the LEED certification for broader use in British Columbia. Educational materials and tours have been developed to educate the community about VITP’s specific green attributes.
from: Keen Engineeringdocument: Vancouver Island Technology Parkin detail XlnkS60B XlnkC17A6

Whiterock Operations Building

The White Rock Operations Building, completed in spring 2003, was designed as a green building, through the fundamentals of an integrated design approach. The City, as a Client, was fundamental in setting the direction and objective of a “deep green” development. The new facility, used primarily as a base for public works and engineering staff, was actually the redevelopment of a site of an old sewage treatment facility. Using LEEDTM as a guide to sustainable building design, the design team was able to improve air quality; enhance liveability; use renewable energy along with conserving it; implement water and storm water strategies that meet best management practices; and reduce solid waste.
from: Busby + Associatesdocument: Whiterock Operations Buildingin detail XlnkS60C XlnkC1786

Carmanah Technologies Inc.

Carmanah Technologies designs and manufactures solar-powered LED (light-emitting diode) marine navigation lighting. By designing products that are durable while efficiently using solar energy, Carmanah has helped improve marine safety while reducing the use of standard energy and the impact of pollution on the marine environment. Products are engineered to be environmentally supportive and economically practical for maximum utility and mainstream appeal.
from: Carmanah Technologiesdocument: Carmanah Technologies detail XlnkS60D XlnkC18CF