- Abnormal weather in BC: 2500 wildfires, floods in autumn, drought in the summer, freezing in November – the lowest temperature on record for November, record rain fall in October, flood in Vancouver in December
- The driest consecutive 3 year-period on record, almost no precipitation in Vancouver in November, ususlly the wettest month
- The Fraser river at its lowest peak in 90 years of record keeping
- Hurricanes in Halifax- the first time the eye of a hurricane hits the city since 1893
- 100 millions trees and 300,000 houses damaged in the region of Halifax (see picture)
- 16 intense tropical storms in the Atlantic
- One billion $ cost for fire-fighting across the country
- Intense drought in the prairies
- March downpour in the Atlantic provinces, the most expensive weather disaster in the history of the Maritimes
- Massive ice storms in New Brunswick
- Heavy snow on Alberta in April and May
- 2003 was the 11th consecutive one in Canada with higher temperature than average
- 25 of the most recent 26 seasons have been warmer than average
- 2003 is the third-warmest year since records began in 1981
- In Europe heat waves killed 21,000 people
source: Impact of Climate Change on Canadian Weather See also XlnkS633